Division 2
League Points Table
Team NamePlayedWonDrawnLossGoals ScoredGoals AgainstGoals AvgGoals +/-Points
Weybridge Vandals A1414007173312.1738670
Claygate B***148065064241.198244
The Downs***148064834761.01743
Oxshott B***146174464920.91-4636
Focus A145093134830.65-17031
Bank of England***1440103914400.89-4926
Hampton B1411123466600.52-31415
***Penalties Applied - Please see Results Table

Home TeamScore ScoreAway Team
14 September 2013
Claygate B30 v 47Weybridge Vandals A
Cumberland55 v 18Hampton B
Oxshott B20 v 21Focus A
The Downs37 v 33Bank of England
28 September 2013
Claygate B42 v 23Bank of England
Cumberland28 v 46Weybridge Vandals A
Hampton B25 v 27Focus A
The Downs28 v 35Oxshott B
12 October 2013
Cumberland38 v 29Claygate B
Hampton B17 v 49Bank of England
The Downs36 v 23Focus A
Weybridge Vandals A55 v 19Oxshott B
26 October 2013
Bank of England17 v 40Cumberland
Focus A23 v 54Weybridge Vandals A
Hampton B30 v 32The Downs
Oxshott B35 v 50Claygate B
09 November 2013
Claygate B36 v 33The Downs
Focus A24 v 32Cumberland
Oxshott B58 v 23Bank of England
Weybridge Vandals A54 v 23Hampton B
23 November 2013
Claygate B80 v 18Hampton B
Focus A39 v 54Bank of England
Oxshott B47 v 37Cumberland
Weybridge Vandals A58 v 23The Downs
14 December 2013
Bank of England  v  Weybridge Vandals A
Claygate B45 v 33Focus A
Hampton B29 v 45Oxshott B
The Downs28 v 34Cumberland
11 January 2014
Bank of England24 v 46The Downs
Focus A  v  Oxshott B
Hampton B35 v 32Cumberland
Weybridge Vandals A54 v 37Claygate B
25 January 2014
Bank of England  v  Claygate B
Focus A35 v 24Hampton B
Oxshott B21 v 38The Downs
Weybridge Vandals A40 v 30Cumberland
08 February 2014
Bank of England42 v 16Hampton B
Claygate B35 v 39Cumberland
Focus A27 v 33The Downs
Oxshott B30 v 62Weybridge Vandals A
22 February 2014
Claygate B31 v 38Oxshott B
Cumberland39 v 35Bank of England
The Downs54 v 26Hampton B
Weybridge Vandals A70 v 15Focus A
08 March 2014
Bank of England20 v 30Oxshott B
Cumberland52 v 27Focus A
Hampton B15 v 64Weybridge Vandals A
The Downs34 v 38Claygate B
22 March 2014
Bank of England38 v 19Focus A
Cumberland60 v 30Oxshott B
Hampton B32 v 53Claygate B
The Downs25 v 56Weybridge Vandals A
12 April 2014
Cumberland35 v 36The Downs
Focus A  v  Claygate B
Oxshott B38 v 38Hampton B
Weybridge Vandals A57 v 33Bank of England

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