Division 1
League Points Table
Team NamePlayedWonDrawnLossGoals ScoredGoals AgainstGoals AvgGoals +/-Points
Cobham C1410136004701.2813057
Whitton B***148156594631.4219652
Bank of England***148154644561.02846
Focus A***145274134840.85-7135
Guildford B143294596040.76-14528
The Downs***1410134016870.58-28611
***Penalties Applied - Please see Results Table

Home TeamScore ScoreAway Team
10 September 2011
Astra  v  Bank of England
Focus A29 v 27Guildford B
Shots37 v 31Cobham C
The Downs21 v 64Whitton B
24 September 2011
Cobham C34 v 46Bank of England
Focus A29 v 29Whitton B
Guildford B34 v 40Astra
The Downs25 v 53Shots
08 October 2011
Bank of England33 v 34Shots
Cobham C49 v 27Focus A
Guildford B24 v 64Whitton B
The Downs39 v 56Astra
22 October 2011
Bank of England45 v 22The Downs
Cobham C53 v 32Guildford B
Focus A28 v 28Shots
Whitton B45 v 33Astra
12 November 2011
Bank of England36 v 25Guildford B
Cobham C45 v 38Astra
The Downs37 v 56Focus A
Whitton B45 v 48Shots
26 November 2011
Astra36 v 42Shots
Bank of England  v  Focus A
The Downs37 v 39Guildford B
Whitton B31 v 32Cobham C
10 December 2011
Bank of England39 v 34Whitton B
Focus A38 v 35Astra
Shots62 v 25Guildford B
The Downs26 v 53Cobham C
14 January 2012
Bank of England54 v 33Astra
Cobham C37 v 37Shots
Guildford B53 v 43Focus A
Whitton B68 v 29The Downs
28 January 2012
Astra30 v 30Guildford B
Bank of England43 v 38Cobham C
Shots56 v 19The Downs
Whitton B52 v 30Focus A
11 February 2012
Astra36 v 38The Downs
Focus A32 v 44Cobham C
Shots63 v 18Bank of England
Whitton B51 v 39Guildford B
25 February 2012
Astra30 v 46Whitton B
Guildford B28 v 39Cobham C
Shots56 v 19Focus A
The Downs33 v 48Bank of England
10 March 2012
Astra21 v 42Cobham C
Focus A  v  The Downs
Guildford B32 v 32Bank of England
Shots36 v 33Whitton B
24 March 2012
Cobham C37 v 35Whitton B
Focus A46 v 34Bank of England
Guildford B47 v 38The Downs
Shots49 v 25Astra
14 April 2012
Astra40 v 36Focus A
Cobham C66 v 37The Downs
Guildford B24 v 50Shots
Whitton B62 v 36Bank of England

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