Championship 2C
League Points Table
Team NamePlayedWonDrawnLossGoals ScoredGoals AgainstGoals AvgGoals +/-Points
Kingsway Power Silver 1111006654231.5724255
Wyre Seniors119026294671.3516248
Cheshire Stars117045644891.157540
Trafford Seniors Red116055764991.157736
YWCA Bury114344994551.104433
North Dragons***112183714730.78-10220
Leyland Excel***112183875150.75-12819
Tameside Yellow113083566340.56-27818
Warrington Seniors***113083834800.80-9715
City of Manchester Pink***1100113716130.61-2424
***Penalties Applied - Please see Results Table


Home TeamScore ScoreAway Team
08 October 2023
Cheshire Stars62 v 28Leyland Excel
City of Manchester Pink33 v 54YWCA Bury
Kingsway Power Silver 54 v 31North Dragons
Tameside Yellow29 v 91Wyre Seniors
Trafford Seniors Red40 v 35Warrington Seniors
22 October 2023
Leyland Excel35 v 58Kingsway Power Silver
Rochdale68 v 37City of Manchester Pink
Warrington Seniors51 v 28Tameside Yellow
Wyre Seniors66 v 62Cheshire Stars
YWCA Bury48 v 48Beechwood
19 November 2023
Beechwood39 v 45Rochdale
Cheshire Stars  v  Warrington Seniors
City of Manchester Pink34 v 46North Dragons
Kingsway Power Silver 69 v 39Wyre Seniors
Tameside Yellow26 v 73Trafford Seniors Red
17 December 2023
Leyland Excel54 v 46City of Manchester Pink
North Dragons32 v 34Beechwood
Rochdale38 v 33YWCA Bury
Trafford Seniors Red59 v 43Cheshire Stars
Warrington Seniors32 v 59Kingsway Power Silver
14 January 2024
Beechwood61 v 43Leyland Excel
Cheshire Stars63 v 51Tameside Yellow
City of Manchester Pink20 v 81Wyre Seniors
Kingsway Power Silver 56 v 44Trafford Seniors Red
YWCA Bury41 v 41North Dragons
04 February 2024
Leyland Excel30 v 30YWCA Bury
North Dragons37 v 47Rochdale
Tameside Yellow28 v 64Kingsway Power Silver
Warrington Seniors55 v 39City of Manchester Pink
Wyre Seniors63 v 46Beechwood
10 March 2024
Beechwood65 v 29Warrington Seniors
City of Manchester Pink38 v 60Trafford Seniors Red
Kingsway Power Silver 69 v 44Cheshire Stars
Rochdale63 v 31Leyland Excel
YWCA Bury55 v 63Wyre Seniors
17 March 2024
Leyland Excel42 v 49North Dragons
Tameside Yellow64 v 48City of Manchester Pink
Trafford Seniors Red59 v 60Beechwood
Warrington Seniors34 v 52YWCA Bury
Wyre Seniors54 v 55Rochdale
07 April 2024
Beechwood59 v 32Tameside Yellow
City of Manchester Pink37 v 57Cheshire Stars
North Dragons42 v 58Wyre Seniors
Rochdale69 v 21Warrington Seniors
YWCA Bury45 v 38Trafford Seniors Red
14 April 2024
Cheshire Stars57 v 56Beechwood
Kingsway Power Silver 74 v 39City of Manchester Pink
Tameside Yellow33 v 71YWCA Bury
Trafford Seniors Red43 v 60Rochdale
Warrington Seniors49 v 31North Dragons
Wyre Seniors  v  Leyland Excel
28 April 2024
Beechwood46 v 62Kingsway Power Silver
Leyland Excel44 v 36Warrington Seniors
North Dragons33 v 41Trafford Seniors Red
Rochdale76 v 26Tameside Yellow
YWCA Bury39 v 56Cheshire Stars
19 May 2024
Cheshire Stars47 v 55Rochdale
Kingsway Power Silver 41 v 31YWCA Bury
Tameside Yellow  v  North Dragons
Trafford Seniors Red71 v 42Leyland Excel
Warrington Seniors41 v 53Wyre Seniors
02 June 2024
Beechwood  v  City of Manchester Pink
Leyland Excel38 v 39Tameside Yellow
North Dragons29 v 73Cheshire Stars
Rochdale54 v 59Kingsway Power Silver
Wyre Seniors61 v 48Trafford Seniors Red

Penalties - Hover over icon for more information Penalties - Hover over icons for more information

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