Division 4
League Points Table
Team NamePlayedWonDrawnLossGoals ScoredGoals AgainstGoals AvgGoals +/-Points
Seymours B129125473851.4216251
Old Reigations A128045695251.084445
Dorking B127055134961.031741
Elmbridge A125075545071.094734
Whyeleafe B125165535461.01734
The Downs***125073594550.79-9629
Cobham C***1220104025830.69-18116
***Penalties Applied - Please see Results Table


Home TeamScore ScoreAway Team
10 September 2022
Dorking B48 v 45Cobham C
Elmbridge A61 v 43Whyeleafe B
The Downs38 v 32Seymours B
24 September 2022
Cobham C40 v 18The Downs
Dorking B34 v 45Seymours B
Old Reigations A52 v 46Elmbridge A
08 October 2022
Dorking B42 v 41Elmbridge A
Old Reigations A48 v 40Whyeleafe B
Seymours B53 v 19Cobham C
22 October 2022
Cobham C52 v 39Elmbridge A
Old Reigations A47 v 32The Downs
Whyeleafe B42 v 50Dorking B
12 November 2022
Old Reigations A60 v 35Cobham C
Seymours B41 v 41Whyeleafe B
The Downs38 v 28Elmbridge A
26 November 2022
Dorking B32 v 49Old Reigations A
Elmbridge A25 v 46Seymours B
The Downs33 v 19Whyeleafe B
10 December 2022
Dorking B37 v 42The Downs
Old Reigations A34 v 48Seymours B
Whyeleafe B61 v 36Cobham C
07 January 2023
Cobham C35 v 40Dorking B
Seymours B47 v 11The Downs
Whyeleafe B49 v 40Elmbridge A
21 January 2023
Elmbridge A49 v 45Old Reigations A
Seymours B46 v 33Dorking B
The Downs  v  Cobham C
11 February 2023
Cobham C37 v 51Seymours B
Elmbridge A59 v 37Dorking B
Whyeleafe B63 v 51Old Reigations A
25 February 2023
Dorking B52 v 36Whyeleafe B
Elmbridge A77 v 18Cobham C
The Downs39 v 50Old Reigations A
11 March 2023
Cobham C47 v 53Old Reigations A
Elmbridge A53 v 44The Downs
Whyeleafe B30 v 55Seymours B
25 March 2023
Old Reigations A33 v 52Dorking B
Seymours B41 v 36Elmbridge A
Whyeleafe B46 v 41The Downs
22 April 2023
Cobham C38 v 83Whyeleafe B
Seymours B42 v 47Old Reigations A
The Downs23 v 56Dorking B

Penalties - Hover over icon for more information Penalties - Hover over icons for more information

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