Division 1
League Points Table
Team NamePlayedWonDrawnLossGoals ScoredGoals AgainstGoals +/-Points
New Cambell12100273255917361
Kent Club120012473758-28513
***Penalties Applied - Please see Results Table

Average Points have been added to give final totals and league positions

Home TeamScore ScoreAway Team
21 September 2019
Cumberland35 v 37Poly
Manor31 v 53Academy
Minchenden40 v 43Vibrant
New Cambell81 v 24Kent Club
05 October 2019
Academy82 v 40Cumberland
Kent Club35 v 52Vibrant
Minchenden35 v 62Manor
New Cambell71 v 37Poly
19 October 2019
Cumberland36 v 63New Cambell
Kent Club30 v 73Academy
Manor29 v 28Vibrant
Poly47 v 29Minchenden
02 November 2019
Cumberland38 v 49Manor
Kent Club33 v 62Poly
New Cambell53 v 37Minchenden
Vibrant47 v 52Academy
16 November 2019
Academy61 v 46New Cambell
Manor61 v 33Kent Club
Minchenden47 v 60Cumberland
Poly30 v 44Vibrant
30 November 2019
Cumberland43 v 52Vibrant
Kent Club52 v 54Minchenden
New Cambell46 v 45Manor
Poly29 v 57Academy
14 December 2019
Cumberland49 v 37Kent Club
Manor38 v 29Poly
Minchenden38 v 90Academy
Vibrant54 v 60New Cambell
18 January 2020
Academy54 v 39Manor
Kent Club58 v 76New Cambell
Poly35 v 48Cumberland
Vibrant55 v 41Minchenden
01 February 2020
Cumberland38 v 71Academy
Manor44 v 45Minchenden
Poly47 v 60New Cambell
Vibrant53 v 46Kent Club
15 February 2020
Academy77 v 43Kent Club
Minchenden41 v 34Poly
New Cambell57 v 39Cumberland
Vibrant47 v 39Manor
29 February 2020
Academy67 v 44Vibrant
Manor40 v 38Cumberland
Minchenden61 v 70New Cambell
Poly62 v 34Kent Club
07 March 2020
Cumberland47 v 50Minchenden
Kent Club48 v 58Manor
New Cambell49 v 60Academy
Vibrant52 v 38Poly
21 March 2020
Academy  v  Poly
Manor  v  New Cambell
Minchenden  v  Kent Club
Vibrant  v  Cumberland
04 April 2020
Academy  v  Minchenden
Kent Club  v  Cumberland
New Cambell  v  Vibrant
Poly  v  Manor

Penalties - Hover over icon for more information Penalties - Hover over icons for more information

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